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Hera And David Photo Production

The full movie is available at hegre.com

  • Screen grab #1 from the movie Hera And David Photo Production
  • Screen grab #2 from the movie Hera And David Photo Production
  • Screen grab #3 from the movie Hera And David Photo Production
  • Screen grab #4 from the movie Hera And David Photo Production
  • Screen grab #5 from the movie Hera And David Photo Production
  • Screen grab #6 from the movie Hera And David Photo Production
  • Screen grab #7 from the movie Hera And David Photo Production
  • Screen grab #8 from the movie Hera And David Photo Production
  • Screen grab #9 from the movie Hera And David Photo Production
  • Screen grab #10 from the movie Hera And David Photo Production
  • Screen grab #11 from the movie Hera And David Photo Production
  • Screen grab #12 from the movie Hera And David Photo Production
Sexual Chemistry At Work
In Hegre’s 1075th movie we get a lovely inside look at the making of an erotic shoot, including two top performers, a master photographer and all the funny and charming bits that go on behind the scenes. HERA IS AMONG OUR MOST POPULAR models and in this film she shares her forces with David, who happens to look like a sex artist even with all his clothes on. A perfect match, you might say, making their sexual encounter a real feast of erotic art. So, you can just lean back and let the camera roll. Knowing that all the details have been taken fully care of.
Check our the full 11m44s movie in 2160p resolution at Hegre.com


